Recognizing and Addressing Addiction in the Workplace: A Guide for Employers

By Jennifer McDougall

Drug and alcohol addiction doesn’t just affect the individual struggling with dependency—it impacts everyone around them, including friends, family, and colleagues. For employers, managing an addicted employee can be both challenging and uncomfortable. The repercussions of addiction in the workplace are far-reaching, leading to decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and heightened safety risks.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, employees who abuse drugs or alcohol are 25 to 30 percent less productive on the job and are three times more likely to miss work compared to their non-abusing counterparts. Moreover, the connection between substance abuse and workplace accidents is alarming, with 65 percent of on-the-job accidents linked to drug or alcohol use.

Identifying the Early Signs of Addiction

Recognizing the early signs of addiction in a professional setting can be tricky, especially since many individuals are adept at hiding their substance use. However, there are key indicators that employers should be aware of:

  • Frequent tardiness or unexplained absences: Regularly showing up late or not at all without valid reasons can be a red flag.
  • Extended lunch breaks: Taking unusually long breaks can indicate a problem.
  • Avoidance of supervisors: Employees struggling with addiction might avoid their managers or display a distant attitude.
  • Missed deadlines or incomplete assignments: A drop in work performance, such as failing to meet deadlines, is another sign.
  • Poor personal appearance: Neglecting personal hygiene or appearing disheveled can be a clue.
  • Sudden weight loss or gain: Noticeable changes in weight may be linked to substance abuse.
  • Odd mood swings or erratic behavior: Addiction often manifests in unpredictable emotional responses.
  • Sleepiness or fatigue: Regularly appearing tired or sleepy at work can signal substance use.
  • Noticeable financial problems: Sudden financial issues might indicate spending on substances.

Taking Action: How Passages Malibu Can Help

If you notice any of these signs within your workplace, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to address the situation. Early intervention can make a significant difference, not only in the well-being of the employee but also in the overall health and safety of your work environment.

At Passages Malibu, we offer a compassionate, non-12-step approach to addiction recovery, focusing on treating the underlying causes of addiction rather than just the symptoms. Our holistic methods have helped thousands of individuals reclaim their lives and return to their workplaces healthier and more productive.

Don’t wait for the situation to escalate. Reach out to us today at (888) 397-0112 or visit our website at for more information on how we can assist you in creating a safer, healthier work environment.

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